So you’ve got a trampoline and you love bouncing and having fun on it, but what happens when it starts raining? It’s important to know what to do if your trampoline gets wet to ensure its longevity and safety. In this article, I’ll be sharing some helpful tips and suggestions on how to handle a wet trampoline. Whether you’re a trampoline enthusiast or a concerned parent, this information is for anyone who wants to keep their trampoline in top shape and ready for use, even after a rainstorm.

What To Do If The Trampoline Gets Wet?

Trampolines are a great source of outdoor fun and exercise for people of all ages. However, one common challenge faced by trampoline owners is dealing with wetness. Whether it’s due to rain, morning dew, or accidental spills, having a wet trampoline can be a cause for concern. In this article, I will discuss the different measures you can take to prevent water accumulation on your trampoline, immediate actions to take when it gets wet, how to dry and clean it properly, maintenance tips to prevent wetness, safety measures for bouncing on a wet trampoline, the impact of wetness on trampoline components, the importance of regular inspections, and some tips for trampoline safety in wet weather. By following these guidelines, you can ensure the longevity of your trampoline and enjoy it to the fullest.

Preventing Water Accumulation on the Trampoline

Choosing the Right Trampoline Location

When setting up your trampoline, it’s essential to choose a suitable location that minimizes the risk of water accumulation. Select an area that is slightly elevated or has good natural drainage to prevent water from pooling around the trampoline. Avoid placing it in low-lying areas or spots that are prone to flooding. By doing so, you can significantly reduce the chances of your trampoline getting wet.

Using Trampoline Weather Covers

Investing in a trampoline weather cover is an excellent preventive measure against water accumulation. These covers are specifically designed to protect the trampoline from rain, snow, and other outdoor elements. They effectively shield the trampoline’s surface, jumping mat, and other components from getting wet. Make sure to choose a weather cover that fits your trampoline size and securely fastens to prevent water seepage.

Regularly Checking and Treating Drainage System

To ensure proper drainage around your trampoline, it’s crucial to regularly inspect and maintain the surrounding area. Clear any debris or obstacles that may obstruct the water flow. If you have a built-in drainage system or gutters nearby, ensure they are free from clogs or blockages. Undertake routine maintenance to keep the drainage system functioning optimally and minimize the risk of water accumulating on the trampoline.

Avoiding Water Sources Near the Trampoline

To prevent unnecessary wetness on your trampoline, it’s important to keep water sources away from its vicinity. Avoid placing sprinklers, water hoses, or any other water source near the trampoline. This will help eliminate excess water and reduce the chance of it seeping onto the trampoline’s surface. Be mindful of nearby water features, like pools or fountains, and ensure they are not positioned in a way that can potentially wet the trampoline.

What To Do If The Trampoline Gets Wet?

Immediate Actions to Take When the Trampoline Gets Wet

Closing off Access to the Trampoline

When you notice that your trampoline has become wet, the first step is to prevent anyone from using it until it is dry and safe. Restrict access to the trampoline area and ensure that children and pets are aware that it is off-limits until it has been properly dried and inspected for any damage.

Safety Measures During Wet Conditions

If the trampoline gets wet unexpectedly while someone is already using it, safety should be the top priority. Instruct the jumper to immediately exit the trampoline and ensure they land on a dry surface. Wet trampoline surfaces can be slippery and increase the risk of accidents, so it’s crucial to exercise extra caution and avoid using the trampoline until it is dry.

Removing Excessive Water Weight

To minimize the strain on your trampoline’s components and prevent potential damage, it’s important to remove any excessive water weight. You can do this by carefully draining off the water using a bucket or a hose. Gently press down on the trampoline’s surface to facilitate water drainage. Ensure that the trampoline is level to allow water to flow away from the surface effectively.

Inspecting the Trampoline for Damage

Once the trampoline is dry, carefully inspect it for any signs of damage. Look for excessive stretching or sagging of the jumping mat, loose springs, or bent frame components. Check the padding and enclosure netting for any tears or holes. If you notice any significant damage, contact a professional trampoline technician for repairs or replacement parts. Addressing any damage promptly will help maintain the trampoline’s overall safety and performance.

Drying and Cleaning the Trampoline

Using Outdoor Fans or Blowers

To facilitate the drying process, you can use outdoor fans or blowers. Position them near the trampoline to promote air circulation and aid in the evaporation of moisture. Ensure that the fans or blowers are placed at a safe distance and properly grounded to prevent any electrical hazards. Allow the trampoline to dry naturally with the assistance of these tools.

Wiping and Drying Trampoline Components

Use clean towels or absorbent cloths to wipe down the trampoline components and remove any excess moisture. Pay special attention to the jumping mat, springs, and frame. Be thorough in your cleaning, ensuring that all areas are properly dried. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners, as they may damage the trampoline surface or components.

Disassembling and Sun Drying the Trampoline

If the weather permits and you have enough space, consider disassembling your trampoline to expedite the drying process. Lay out the disassembled parts on a clean, flat surface in direct sunlight. The heat from the sun will help evaporate any remaining moisture. Rotate the individual components periodically to ensure uniform drying. Once fully dried, reassemble the trampoline following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Utilizing Absorbent Materials for Moisture

Another effective way to assist in drying your trampoline is by using absorbent materials such as towels, blankets, or moisture-absorbing mats. Place these materials on top of the trampoline surface and secure them with bungee cords or clamps. These absorbent materials will help draw out any remaining moisture, preventing it from seeping into the trampoline’s components.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Trampoline Surface

During the drying process, take the opportunity to clean and disinfect the trampoline surface. Use a mild soap or trampoline surface cleaner diluted with water to clean the jumping mat thoroughly. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or brushes that may damage the surface. Rinse off the soap residue with clean water and allow the trampoline to air dry completely before use.

What To Do If The Trampoline Gets Wet?

Maintenance Tips to Prevent Wetness on the Trampoline

Regularly Inspecting and Maintaining Trampoline

Performing regular inspections and maintenance on your trampoline is crucial to prevent wetness and ensure its longevity. Check the frame, springs, jumping mat, and safety enclosure for signs of wear and tear, rust, or damage. Tighten any loose bolts or screws and replace any worn-out parts promptly. Following the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines will help keep your trampoline in optimal condition.

Applying Water Repellent Products

Applying water repellent products can significantly reduce the risk of water accumulation on your trampoline. Look for specifically designed trampoline water repellents and follow the application instructions provided. These products create a protective barrier on the trampoline surface, allowing water to roll off instead of being absorbed. Regular reapplication may be necessary, especially after heavy rain or prolonged exposure to the elements.

Clearing Debris and Leaves

Regularly removing debris, leaves, and other foreign objects from your trampoline is essential to prevent wetness. These materials can trap moisture, leading to the accumulation of water on the trampoline surface. Use a soft broom or brush to sweep away any debris and keep the trampoline area clean. This simple maintenance practice can go a long way in keeping your trampoline dry.

Trimming Overhanging Branches

If you have trees or shrubs near your trampoline, it’s important to regularly trim any overhanging branches. Falling leaves, twigs, and other debris from these branches can easily find their way onto your trampoline and make it wet. By keeping the surrounding foliage well-maintained, you can minimize the risk of wetness caused by falling organic matter.

Avoiding Trampoline Usage During Rain Showers

While trampolines are generally safe for outdoor use, it’s advisable to avoid using them during rain showers or heavy downpours. Rainwater can accumulate rapidly on the trampoline surface, making it unsafe to bounce on. Teach your family members or users about the importance of avoiding trampoline usage during wet weather conditions to minimize the risk of accidents and extend the trampoline’s lifespan.

Storing the Trampoline When Not in Use

If you live in an area with frequent rainfall or inclement weather, consider storing your trampoline indoors during periods of inactivity. Disassemble the trampoline and store it in a dry and well-ventilated area, such as a garage or a shed. This precautionary measure will prevent unnecessary exposure to wet conditions, prolonging the lifespan of your trampoline and ensuring that it remains dry.

Safety Measures for Bouncing on a Wet Trampoline

Wearing Non-Slip Shoes or Socks

When bouncing on a wet trampoline, wearing non-slip shoes or socks is crucial to maintaining traction. The wet surface can be slippery, increasing the risk of slips and falls. Non-slip footwear enhances grip and stability, reducing the chances of accidents. Avoid barefoot bouncing, as it can further compromise traction on a wet trampoline.

Using Extra Caution and Slower Movements

Bouncing on a wet trampoline requires extra caution and slower movements. The wet surface reduces the rebounding effect, causing a decrease in bounce height. Modifying your movements to be slower and more controlled will help maintain stability and reduce the risk of slips. Be mindful of your body balance and adapt your bouncing style accordingly to ensure safety.

Avoiding High Jumps and Flips

When the trampoline is wet, it’s advisable to avoid high jumps and flips. The reduced traction and decreased rebounding effect can make it challenging to maintain control and stability during such maneuvers. Restrict your bouncing activities to lower, controlled jumps to minimize the risk of accidents. Always prioritize safety over acrobatic moves on a wet trampoline.

Avoiding Bouncing Near the Edges

Wet trampoline edges can become even more slippery than the central jumping area due to water runoff. To prevent accidental falls, it’s important to avoid bouncing near the edges of the trampoline. Stay focused on the central bouncing area, which is likely to have a better grip due to increased usage and evaporation.

Monitoring Weight Limitations

During wet conditions, it’s crucial to adhere to the trampoline’s weight limitations. The wetness can add extra stress to the trampoline’s components, potentially compromising its structural integrity. Ensure that the combined weight of the jumpers does not exceed the recommended weight limit specified by the manufacturer. Excessive weight can lead to premature wear and tear, increasing the risk of accidents.

Impact of Wetness on Trampoline Components

Effects of Water on Springs and Frame

Prolonged exposure to wet conditions can have detrimental effects on the trampoline’s springs and frame. When springs get wet, they can weaken, lose elasticity, and become prone to rust and corrosion. This can lead to reduced bounce performance and compromised safety. The trampoline frame can also rust and deteriorate when exposed to excessive moisture, further compromising its structural integrity.

Damage to Trampoline Mat and Padding

A wet trampoline mat and padding can suffer damage if not properly cared for. Continuous exposure to moisture can cause the jumping mat to stretch, sag, or develop mold and mildew. The padding, which provides additional safety and cushioning, can also deteriorate and become less effective when wet. Regular inspections and prompt repairs are essential to address any damage and maintain the trampoline’s safety features.

Risks of Rust and Corrosion

When a trampoline gets wet, one of the primary concerns is the risk of rust and corrosion. Metal components, such as the frame and springs, are susceptible to rust when exposed to water and moisture for extended periods. Rust compromises the structural integrity of the trampoline, making it unsafe for use. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and applying rust-resistant coatings can help prevent this issue.

Impaired Trampoline Performance

A wet trampoline often exhibits impaired performance compared to a dry one. The wet surface reduces bounce height and responsiveness, affecting the overall experience. Jumpers may notice a significant decrease in the trampoline’s performance, which can be disappointing. By promptly addressing wetness and drying the trampoline, you can restore its performance and ensure a safe and enjoyable bouncing experience.

The Importance of Regular Trampoline Inspections

Checking for Early Signs of Wear and Tear

Regular trampoline inspections are crucial to identify any early signs of wear and tear. By closely examining the frame, springs, jumping mat, and safety enclosure on a routine basis, you can detect minor issues before they turn into major problems. Look for stretched or loose springs, rust spots on the frame, tears or fraying on the jumping mat, and any signs of damage to the safety enclosure. Addressing these issues promptly will help maintain the trampoline’s overall safety and performance.

Replacing Damaged or Worn-out Components

During inspections, if you come across damaged or worn-out components, it’s important to replace them without delay. This includes replacing broken springs, torn jumping mats, damaged safety enclosures, or any other defective parts. Using a trampoline with compromised components can lead to accidents or injuries. Ensure that you source the replacement parts from reputable manufacturers to guarantee quality and compatibility with your trampoline model.

Ensuring Trampoline Safety

Regular inspections play a vital role in ensuring trampoline safety. By being proactive and identifying potential risks, you can take the necessary steps to address them promptly. This includes fixing loose bolts, reinforcing weak spots, and properly securing safety enclosures. Regular maintenance and inspections contribute to establishing a safe trampoline environment for you and your family members to enjoy.

Tips for Trampoline Safety in Wet Weather

Monitoring Weather Conditions

Keeping an eye on the weather forecast is an essential part of trampoline safety, especially during wet conditions. Stay informed about upcoming rain showers, thunderstorms, or adverse weather conditions that may affect the trampoline’s usage. By being aware of the weather conditions, you can take the necessary precautions, such as covering the trampoline or restricting access during heavy rain.

Establishing Trampoline Usage Rules

Establishing trampoline usage rules is crucial to ensure safety, especially in wet weather. Teach everyone using the trampoline about the importance of avoiding it during rain showers or when the surface is wet. Encourage responsible behavior and set clear guidelines for safe bouncing practices. Emphasize the need to wait until the trampoline is dry before resuming use.

Installing Protective Enclosures

Installing a protective enclosure around your trampoline adds an extra layer of safety, particularly during wet weather. Enclosures help prevent jumpers from falling off the trampoline and potentially getting injured. Additionally, enclosures can offer some protection against rainwater and keep the jumping area separate from the wet ground. Ensure that your enclosure is properly installed and in good condition to maximize its effectiveness.

Educating Users on Trampoline Safety

Education is key to trampoline safety, regardless of weather conditions. Teach users, especially children, about the potential risks of using a wet trampoline. Emphasize the importance of avoiding acrobatic moves, maintaining control, and wearing appropriate footwear. Ensure they understand the need to follow safety guidelines to minimize the risk of accidents. Regularly reinforce these safety practices to create a safer trampoline environment.


Dealing with a wet trampoline can be a challenge, but by implementing preventive measures, taking immediate actions, and following proper drying and maintenance techniques, you can keep your trampoline safe, dry, and enjoyable for years to come. Remember to regularly inspect and maintain your trampoline, follow safety guidelines during wet weather, and promptly address any issues that arise. By ensuring the longevity and safety of your trampoline, you can continue to have endless hours of fun and exercise for the entire family.

By erez1333

Hi, I'm Erez, the author behind TrampolineDude. As a passionate trampoline enthusiast, I started to share my knowledge and love for this exhilarating activity. My blog offers a wide range of engaging content, from maintenance and safety tips to product reviews and fun activities for trampoline owners. With a focus on providing reliable information, I aim to create posts that resonate with the interests of my audience. Whether you're a seasoned trampoline owner or simply curious about getting one, my goal is to deliver valuable insights and tips that will enhance your trampolining experience. Join me on this journey and let's bounce together!