how to build a trampoline in the ground

If you’re wondering how to build a trampoline in your yard, you’ve come to the right place. This article will walk you through the steps and materials required to create a safe, secure trampoline base. We’ll also cover how deep to dig the hole and how to install a venting system.


Putting a trampoline in the ground is a great way to add a jumping surface to your yard without taking up valuable yard space. But before you do so, there are some important steps you should take. For instance, you should dig a hole deep enough for the trampoline, and it is advisable to add three feet of topsoil around the frame. After you’ve completed these steps, you can then apply trim around the outside frame. This will hide the gap between the trampoline frame and the ground and protect the ground from debris. You may want to nail or weight the trim into the ground.

Next, you must install the springs. The springs will be attached to the frame of the trampoline. You should make sure that the springs are positioned at 12 and six o’clock positions. Then, you need to backfill the area with soil to prevent any damage from the dirt.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, you can hire a professional to do it for you. Although it will be more expensive, they have experience in digging holes. A hole that is too small may collapse or become unstable. You should also consider adding a retaining wall. These structures can be permanent or temporary.

First, you need to gather the necessary materials for the installation of your trampoline. You’ll need a few tools: a power drill, a Phillips screwdriver, and rubber mallet. You’ll also need to prepare the ground with good drainage. You should also save the topsoil from digging the hole.


Choosing the right materials for a ground trampoline is an important decision. You want to make sure the trampoline is stable and level. The materials should be sturdy enough to hold up to the weight of the trampoline, yet they should also have good drainage. You can use concrete blocks or metal sheets.

One of the main advantages of building a trampoline in the ground is that it is not as visible. This is especially useful if you live in a neighborhood with HOA rules. However, you should also keep in mind that the ground should be free of trees and other objects that might damage your trampoline.

After choosing a level area in your yard, you can dig a hole about a foot or two smaller than the frame. Once you have found a suitable area, spread a tarp over it and secure it with stakes to prevent grass from growing through the holes. Then, you can install the frame according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You may need to use screws or bolts to connect the pieces, but you should make sure they are tight and secure.

Before you dig, blue-stamping the area is an excellent way to ensure that you do not disturb underground utilities. It is also a good idea to call 811 before you start digging to make sure that your area is safe. In any case, you should choose the most level area in your yard and allow three feet of clearance on all sides. You should also keep the trampoline as far away from any obstacles as possible. You can also avoid building retaining walls if you want to keep the trampoline level.

The best choice of materials for building a ground trampoline is one with high durability. The materials should be easy to install. For instance, the walls should be made of corrugated steel, which is resistant to rust and corrosion. In addition, the walls should be sturdy enough to withstand the weight of the trampoline and have sufficient room to add ventilation system.

Hole depth

If you want to install a trampoline in the ground, you must first determine the hole depth. It should be at least one foot wider than the trampoline’s diameter. A trampoline’s inner diameter is usually about 12 feet, so you should dig a hole that is at least two feet bigger.

When you are digging the hole, you should consider the size of the trampoline as well as the surrounding ground. The base hole should be deep enough to support the frame, while the inner hole provides space for the trampoline mat. Choosing a suitable hole depth is crucial for the safety of the kids, and it also helps you get the desired amount of air flow.

Digging a hole for a trampoline in the ground is a tricky process that may take a few days. A tarp can help protect the area from rain and keep workers out of the mud. Fortunately, there are drainage systems that will remove any water that may accumulate in the hole. And if you’re worried about rust, you’ll be happy to know that a trampoline kit you buy will be constructed with a galvanized steel frame. This will ensure that it doesn’t rust and stays in top shape.

Once you’ve marked out the size of the hole, the next step is to mark out the circumference of the hole. You should be sure to leave at least three inches of extra space on either side. Then, take a spade or a mini-digger and dig to a depth of three to four centimeters. If you are unsure, you can mark out the ledge with a string or spray paint.

Venting system

Proper venting is essential for an in-ground trampoline to keep it safe and healthy. Without it, air will rush out of the trampoline when a person jumps, reducing the bounce. This can cause stress to the jumper’s joints and bones. In addition, improper venting can damage the trampoline’s frame.

Before installing a trampoline, it’s important to consider the amount of ventilation. While a simple hose may work for a small trampoline, a more elaborate system could allow the trampoline to breathe more air. The bottom of the hole must be at least a foot deeper than the trampoline’s frame. If it’s shallower, the pit may create a tripping hazard. If you have to dig a deeper pit, you can install a safety enclosure around it.

There are several ways to install the venting system on an in-ground trampoline. One method is to leave a large gap between the trampoline and the ground. This gap will allow the proper air to flow underneath the trampoline and improve its bounce. Another method involves using pipes. However, installing these pipes will require additional digging and adjusting the retaining wall. Additionally, it will interfere with the drainage system.

Another method to prevent water from accumulating underneath a trampoline is to install a surface drainage pump. This will pump water out of the trampoline after a rainstorm, but this method will be more difficult if the soil in the area is not sandy. Typically, the best solution is to install an in-ground trampoline in an area with a well-drained area.

Moreover, venting the pad is essential for the safety of the jumper. If the airflow is restricted, it can cause safety pads to slap against the springs and cause the trampoline to drop. Venting the pad also improves the bounce quality, which is crucial for safety.

Safety precautions

When building a trampoline in the ground, take a few precautions to ensure the safety of your children. For one thing, the ground will absorb a lot of water, so if you live in a wet climate, you may need to use a drainage solution. If the ground is very clayey, you may need to use cement blocks underneath the trampoline.

You’ll also want to make sure the springs are secure. The springs should be tightly wound and attached on both ends. If they are hanging, they could snap or cause an injury. Lastly, you’ll want to install safety pads on the steel frame and springs. The safety pads should be in good condition, as well.

The first step to installing a trampoline in the ground is to dig a hole that is large enough to fit the trampoline. Make sure the hole is at least 12 to 16 inches bigger than the trampoline’s circumference. This is important to ensure that the frame of the trampoline fits comfortably. In some cases, you will need to dig out additional dirt around the hole.

You also need to consider how to drain the dirt from the pit. If the ground around the trampoline is saturated with water, it could damage the structure. Installing a perforated drainage pipe beneath the trampoline’s frame will help drain water away from the structure. A gutter or storm drain can also help prevent standing water.

Building a trampoline in the ground may seem intimidating at first, but with a little planning and research, you can enjoy your trampoline for years to come.

By erez1333

Hi, I'm Erez, the author behind TrampolineDude. As a passionate trampoline enthusiast, I started to share my knowledge and love for this exhilarating activity. My blog offers a wide range of engaging content, from maintenance and safety tips to product reviews and fun activities for trampoline owners. With a focus on providing reliable information, I aim to create posts that resonate with the interests of my audience. Whether you're a seasoned trampoline owner or simply curious about getting one, my goal is to deliver valuable insights and tips that will enhance your trampolining experience. Join me on this journey and let's bounce together!